
Home / Nuestro Voto Georgia

Nuestro Voto Georgia

2020 not only marked a rare occasion for Georgians to elect both of their Senators simultaneously, races for both Senate seats were so narrowly split that they've proceeded to runoff elections in January 2021. LULAC is stepping in to support voter education and mobilize Latina and Latino voters statewide ahead of the Georgia runoff.

Request your Absentee Ballot.
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You can return your Absentee Ballot by mail or secure drop box.

Your sealed and signed ballot MUST be received by the county clerk or in-person voting location in your home county by 7:00pm on Tuesday, January 5 to be counted. Ballots received after Runoff Day will not be counted even if postmarked by January 5 or earlier.

Still need to register to vote? Visit here

Still need to register to vote? Visit here

If you are 17 but turn 18 on or before January 5, 2021, you can pre-register to vote in the runoff!
Actual dates may vary by county.

Actual dates may vary by county.

Contact your local elections office for details
Find your precinct here.

Find your precinct here.

On January 5, 2021, you must vote at your designated precinct.


Not a Georgia voter? Volunteer *remotely* to Get Out the Vote! Contact for more information concerning (remote) volunteer opportunities to support voter education in Georgia.

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD IN GEORGIA Don’t sit this one out!

Georgia Voters: Visit here to review or update your Voter Registration Status; find your local in-person polling location; or locate a secure drop box near you.